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Autumn Statement 2023

Today the Chancellor, delivered his Autumn Statement, which as a result of the drop in inflation, tax cuts were the main topic of discussion. Below is a summary of some of the main points of interest, but the full statement can be found here.

National Insurance Cuts

Employee National Insurance is to be cut by 2% to 10% with effect from 6 January 2024.

Class 4 National Insurance for self employed will be cut by 1% to 8% from April 2024.

And Class 2 National Insurance, also paid by self employed, is to be abolished entirely, although those who need to make voluntary contributions towards their state pension record, will still be able to do so.

National Living Wage

From April 2024, the National Living Wage will rise from £10.42 per hour to £11.44 per hour. This will now apply to anyone over the age of 21.

Business Rates

The small business multiple is to be frozen for another year, and the 75% discount for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses is to be extended too.

Capital Allowances

Full expensing for capital expenditure will be made permanent, meaning companies will be able to get tax relief on the full cost of new plant and machinery in the year of purchase, in addition to the Annual Investment Allowance threshold.